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KMID : 0359019860060010019
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
1986 Volume.6 No. 1 p.19 ~ p.23
A Case of Leptomeningeal Carcinomatosis on Superficial Spreading Carcinoma of the Stomach
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Meningeal carcinomatosis is an important neurological complication of systemic cancer, and is increasingly being recognized as a cause of reurologic disability in life. Also there is evidenee that the incidence of this form of metastasis is increasing. We reported a case of 52-year-old female patient, who was diagnosed as early gastric cancer by biopsy under gastrofiberscopy. Other Lab. findings were all normal range except high alkaline phosphatase level. And then performed Billroth II operation. On 7th post-operative day, she was encountered severe headache and insomnia. Abnormal neurologic signs and subjective symptoms were developed and progressed, Repeated lumbar punture was done and CSF was examed. There findings were abnormal, but no specific finding of certain disease. She died of severe neurologic deficit and sudden respiratory arrest. Autopsy was done, and confirmed leptomeningeal carcinomatosis.
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